Our ESG Policy
Environmental, Social & Governance
Why Choose Us?
NRG Investing Ltd. (“NRG”) is a Caribbean owned company providing services in renewable energy, data services, environmental and social risk management, climate change and carbon markets, with more than 50 years experience in the energy sector and more than 20 years in renewable energy and data acquisition, offering services to local, regional and international customers.
NRG is guided by a strategy that focuses on achieving sustainable, profitable growth for the organization while catalyzing positive economic, social and environmental value creation for its clients and associates in the short and long term.
NRG has a history of innovation, market development, supporting new technologies and social responsibility, endeavoring to create a positive impact on the economy, society and the environment. Ensuring the long-term sustainability of the NRG’s business is a critical strategic objective.
Our Vision
To be the trusted service provider of choice for sustainable solutions to our customers, creating sustainable, environmental and social value to the communities in which we operate.
Our Mission
To grow our risk-calibrated core operating profit by delivering products and services that create value for customers. Bringing together all our capabilities to seamlessly meet customer needs. Conducting our business within well-defined risk tolerance levels.
Our ESG Philosophy
To adopt sustainable business practices that ensure the long-term success of NRG Investing Ltd. has a positive impact on the environment and society. NRG endeavours to promote long-term sustainable growth in the economy through business initiatives and responsible corporate citizenship.
ESG governance
The Board of Directors have oversight on ESG. Areas that are within the purview of Board shall continue to monitor and update business areas relevant to ESG.
Key focus areas for ESG
NRG is committed to creating a positive impact through its businesses founded on the values of respecting human life and addressing the challenges to the environment.
In this regard:
NRG supports capacity creation in sustainable sectors like renewable energy, waste management and energy efficiency, after appropriate risk-return assessment.
NRG Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) shall screen new project proposals. The framework stipulates environmental and social due diligence for projects above specific thresholds. NRG project exclusion list is aligned with the Equator Principle standards.
NRG is committed to managing climate risks and enhancing related public disclosures. NRG’s common framework for adopting climate risk assessment includes developing methods to integrate climate risk in the risk management framework and is aligned to national goals and targets in the nation’s collective transition to a low-carbon economy.
Environmental sensitivity in operations:
NRG is committed to conducting its business sustainably and efficiently, thereby reducing the environmental impact in its facilities. The key areas of focus are digitization, greenhouse gas emissions, energy conservation, water conservation, waste management and sustainable procurement.
NRG provides digital solutions to customers and encourages their adoption, thereby reducing usage of paper. NRG also promotes digitization of internal work and operations.
NRG focuses on using energy efficient lighting and equipment with effective recording and monitoring of energy usage.
Water conservation is a crucial part of sustainability. NRG promotes to its clients measures for effective water management in their operations, including recycling and reuse, and rainwater harvesting.
NRG is committed to adoption of fair employment practices. It ensures diversity of workplace through efforts to recruit, develop and retain the most talented people from a diverse candidate pool.
NRG is an equal opportunity employer and does not differentiate based on cultures, religions, caste, linguistic background, age, gender, and sexual orientation of employees. NRG believes in leveraging the strength of diversity at workplace. This extends to all employees. Further, those who feel discriminated are encouraged to raise their concerns through the grievance redressal framework.
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